“Live” Darshan Anubhuti
My Divya Anubhuti's
I have been very lucky to come in contact with some truly Divine spots in Vraj Mandal where we have discovered the Live Presence of the Pure Shaktis of Shree RadhaKrishn.
For ‘The Presence’ to be experienced an atmosphere of purity and our bhao is very essential. When in the pure sanigdh (company) of a Sadhyaguru who is a part of the Divine Himself, also known as the divya guru; the strong pure aura which surrounds him also has the capacity and strength to cover the human surround him in the particular area. This at times can open their soul to some divine experiences. It is the soul quality of the Divine guru which connects the disciple’s soul to Divine Thakurjee and graces it some divya anubhuties (divine experiences).
Here I wish to describe some details and experiences about these Alive Spots; which I believe is a kripa from my divine Gurushree; and of course the total grace of Shree Radha Krishn; and my Mahagurushree who is Thakurjee, ShreeNathji Himself.
My first interaction with Divine Live Shree RadhaKrishn Urjas, Shaktis, was in the June of 2005 when I visited Vraj Mandal in the pure presence of my Gurushree, Shri Sudhirbhai.
This yatra is special for me as it is meant to reveal some spiritual divine mysteries of Vraj Mandal and also unveil my divine soul reality to me. What I will describe on this page in particular is our visit to Giriraj Govardhan at ShreeNathji Mukharvind.
In this yatra as I moved far away from the materialistic side of life, it helped open to another level of divine experience, including the deeper side of myself. Everything; something as simple as eating takes a sacred flavor when purity of mind, body, and soul is given the most importance.
This is a totally different way of life and is so absorbing and positive; to come back to the actual reality is not looked forward to. But each one has to find the right balance in the inner and outer and live life from the highest level of purity and positivism; overflowing with love and devotion for the Divine.
With the Krupa and grace of Thakurjee and Gurushree, I find myself opening to a reality which is the truth I have to experience in this birth.
In the whole of Vrindavan Yatra, I have this feeling of being some one else, not the personality Abha Shahra. I am changed in mind and soul living as the ‘witness’, the energy which is the true consciousness.
The Sattvikta of this whole experience leaves me dazzled and I wait eagerly for Thakurjee’s kripa to provide me an other opportunity, for entering deeper in this new level of divine experience.
Author : Abha Shahra Shyama
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Details of the “Divya Darshan” |
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My Divya Anubhuti's |
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Darshans on 05-01-2011 |